Wow, being employed is a bit of a shock. Of course i wouldn't change it for the world but i've just been so busy i've barely noticed that 3 weeks have gone by. It's all good in the hood though, i feel i'm on top of things, plus i got a round of applause at the company meeting the other week and i had a mini appraisal today, where my interpersonal skills were praised as well as my intelligence. News to me that i had either! So things are good, i get the odd day, like today where i get a bit of down time, which is nice every once in a while. Last week i thought my head was going to explode i was so busy, so this is a welcome break.
In other news, i've managed to secure myself two dates with a guy i met in the traditional way. i.e not on the Internet. I'd almost forgotten what it's like actually. The last time i met someone when i was out, minding my own business, was about...4 years ago! Blimey.
But yes, let's focus on the fact that i met him when i was out, i then met him again for drinks and i'm now seeing him for lunch tomorrow. Technically it's a second date. And, even more surprisingly, i actually like the guy! So i'm really looking forward to seeing him again.
I had to let down Mr Farringdon Big Forehead though. He asked me out again and i declined. At first i thought that maybe i shouldn't burn my bridges, but then a good friend of mine asked me if i'd be looking forward to seeing him again, and honestly, i knew i wouldn't be. So i politely declined.
This weekend my cousin and i are off to Norfolk to see my Nana. I've been such a bad grand-daughter these past few years that it's about time i spent some time with her. Hopefully the weather will be nice and we can go to the beach or down by the water, just like we did when we were kids.
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