I have been chastisied for not mentioning two other dear friends of mine in my previous post, who I also don't get to see enough of. It's no ones fault, it's just what happens. I think it takes some of us by surprise when we realise that time spent together in the past, cant always be recreated in the future. People grow and change, lives cartwheel in different directions and wht we once shared belongs in memory banks. This shouldn't make us sad though. Memories are good and we can go on creating them in the future. But i think it's best that we don;t cling on too much to the past.
Uni days were great, i had such a wonderful time and made some life long friends. But there will never be a time like that again, where everyone is in the same situation, with similar goals. Even though i live in a house with 3 other people, it's in no shape or form the same as when i lived with 4 other people in Derby. And i'm glad! It's only been a few years since i've left but i feel like i've grown so much in those few years that going back to living like a student would depress me! Don't get me wrong, there are certain elements that are the same, if not worse. Especially in the past few months where i've had no spare cash. But Uni is such a special, almost wierdly unrealistic way of living that it cannot be recreated. It lives in the past.
That's not to say my friendships remain there too, although one or two are definitely dead and buried. It just means that hanging out with your uni friends now that you're not at uni is a whole new ball game. You have jobs to juggle, stresses to handle, relationships to go through. A call to your mates every now and then is lovely, but of course it won't be the same as it used to be. Friends drift apart, though no wrong doing of their own, just becuae life moves us on in different directions. Different parts of the country as well!
Anyway, i just want to say that my mates mean the world to me. And i know i'm crap at being in touch and i sometimes let my own rough and tumble, directionless life get in the way of taking a minute to call and say hi.
It's not that i don't miss you, it's just that our lives are no longer together on that one path. We've just got to make sure our own paths cross every now and then.
Love to you all x
Amen, my dear friend. Amen. Lets hope our paths cross again soon, eh? :)