Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Steak and a date

Hello, as promised here is my update on the Farringdon date... prepare yourselves...

The verdict is? NBN. Nice But No. Lovely guy but yet again, i'm just not feeling it. Don't get me wrong,we had a great date and he's good fun. Plus he's rich, owns his own flat and loves dancing. He bought me dinner and was very polite. He's also been in touch and is keen to go out again. So, on paper it looks great. But unfortunately, something isn't there for me. It's not his fault. I just know when i know, y'know?!

Perhaps i shouldn't write him off quite yet. Give it another date and see how i feel. But am i just wasting my time and his money? Maybe we could just be friends? Perhaps not. He's not on a dating site to make friends.

Oh well. Keep on trying!


  1. Was his nose too big? That can be a turn off for some women.

  2. No, but he did have a rather large forehead which i found i couldn't stop looking at...

  3. A sign of intelligence? Perhaps you should agree to another date on condition that he slaps his forehead whenever you ask. At least you'll have a few laughs then.

  4. Written off after one date? Maybe he was nervous... then again maybe balls of steel are a requirement?

    Every single first date I've ever been on has usually been painfully 'nice'. Things loosen up a bit the next time if there's any compatibility there. But I suppose that with the right person you might hit it off immediately (probably got a better chance of getting hit by a space ship being joy ridden by naughty teen aliens).

  5. Hmm but maybe you've hit the nail on the head, Mister Monkey. It's about compatibility and i don't think we had it...

    I know when I know, you know?!


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