Well, here we go, been a while but i'm back. For a bit. I've been sooo super busy that 2010 is passing by quicker than i imagined. But luckily in a fabulously happy way :-)
The new job is going well so far, i have lots to learn but also a platform from which to jump in any direction i choose. If i can stick at this without getting bored (or made redundant) i think good things will follow. It muust be sickening to hear my optimism but it's taken such a long time to get back to feeling this way i'm embracing it with both hands, feet and butterfly nets...and no, it's not all because i have a lovely man in my life, although that does help!
I was remarkably up beat and happy for the last half of 2009 and i now know why. It was all to do with taking back control. Control of my life. Don't get me wrong i'm not a control freak, i'm a laid back kinda gal and can go with the flow. But i spent too long living my life for someone else. 2009 was my year for regaining my confidence, for having fun and living like the single, 24 year old girl i was. It's been empowering! But tough too. There were quite a few times where i had to dig myself out of whatever blue mood i was in, whatever knockback i came up against. But the beauty of it all was that i realised i am the only one responsible for my life. It doesn't matter who's by your side.
"We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future." ~ George Bernard Shaw
Ooh this new job is making me so positive about life! That's the trouble when you work for a motivational life coach, among other things.
And i believe it's true, the more positive you are about something good happening the more likely good things will start happening.
For those interested in the love life, it's all going swimmingly. Better than i could have imagined in fact. I was whisked off for a romantic weekend in Dublin, i've been taken out for numerous romantic meals, i've partied hard, i've met the best mates, i've been bought gifts for no reason and i've spent time with someone who seems to get me, who makes me laugh and who i don't get bored of hearing from. even after we've spent the weekend together, before i get home i've had a text message. There's no game playing, which is just a little more than refreshing. Of course it's not all as perfect as it seems...I'm trying hard to think of the imperfect things...oh, here we go, he makes me late for work and has a tendancy to snore. So much so that i've had to buy ear plugs when he had a cold. And he was a fan of celebrity Big Brother. Oh and we go out and eat such unhealthy food that i'm getting a fat bum and even fatter belly. But he seems to like it!
I think i can live with that.
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