Time really is a great healer. And with it comes many a splendid thing.Hmm how many more cliches can i fit into this?
At this time of year we all tend to look back at the past twelve months. It can be very carthartic or equally depressing to look back and see what you have and haven't achieved. The end of one year and the start of another makes many reflect on where they thought they might be by now, and what you had hoped to have achieved. But it also makes you look at where you want to be and how much the little things have changed.
If i look back exactly a year ago, i could be a different person. A lot has happened for me in 2009, and not all of it happy. But i don't think i'd have it any other way. I now feel at my most confident. It's strange really as i started the year at probably my lowest point. Then a few months later i was made redundant from my dream job. I've always said you need the pain to appreciate the pleasure, and i still stand by that, no matter how horrible the pain is.
At the end of 2009 a whole heap of things changed for me, none more so than my love life. I'll get to that in a minute. Excitingly i've been offered (and have accepted) a new job in the City. I'll be back doing PR but this time not for an agency but in-house. I will be the client for once! It's going to be a massive learning curve for me and i'd be lying if i didn't say i'm a bit apprehensive. The money's not great, but the experience will look fabulous on my CV. Sometimes you have to take a risk and hope it pays off. I feel i've been doing that for most of my adult life so why change now?!
The very same week i was offered the job, my love live did a somersault and i've somehow gained a boyfriend! It's literally been a matter of weeks. However he has been courting me over email for about 5 months. Although i was too blind to see it.
What makes it doubly exciting is that he's a work colleague, although he's been working in South Africa for the past 6 months trying to get his new visa sorted. That's how it started. I had only been working where i am currently for a week or so when he left so i had only had about two conversations with him. Next thing i know i get an email maybe once a week, then we're friends on Facebook where he comments on most of the things i write, then the emails increase to one a day. as the months drew on we played noughts and crosses over email and spent the whole day chatting. And there i was thinking he was just bored! I knew i had started to feel something but decided to leave it. It wasn't clear when he was coming back to London and i knew of his reputation as a ladies man so i figured i'd take it all with a pinch of salt.
It took us exactly four days of him being back in the country before we kissed. We then spent four consecutive days in my bed. I went back to my parents for Christmas and he was in constant contact with me. I had countless emails, text messages, facebook chats. It really seems like he simply cannot get enough!
I'd be lying if i said i wasn't COMPLETELY freaked out by this behaviour. I've never come across this. A guy who likes me, is not playing games, won't sleep with me on the first night we spend together because we haven't been on a proper first date, looks after me when i was feeling poorly, emails me every half hour at work, wants to spend every lunchtime, tea break, fag break with me. Intense? Err, yeah! But you know what, i'm going to do my best not to ruin this by being a typical British, cynical woman. It's not my fault that most guys i've been with are shits and don't know how to treat a girl. Just in the last few days i've let myself go with it. And it's fun. And lovely. And hot!
It turns out his reputation is just that, a reputation. He's pretty much the office sex pest, but actually all he is is a massive flirt. He doesn't follow through. Well apart from with me! He's desperate to tell everyone at work, and some people do already know, but we don't want it to look like i'm leaving because of him!
I know people are probably reading this thinking "don't be an idiot, he's just going to screw you over, it's all talk" but actually i've got to know him over the past few weeks and i feel like maybe i can start to trust him. I've been known to always think the worst. But maybe it's time to change that.
Plus i've never been with a man who's so "giving" in all my life ;-) (sorry that's possibly too much info...hehe)
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