Monday, 7 September 2009


So...everyone seems to want to know when i will be making my TV debut. It's making me very nervous. This is mainly because i have no idea how well (or otherwise) i will come across. I have to watch the show along with everybody else, i don't get a preview so i can vet who should be watching it and who shouldn't be!

Why should i be worried? Well, there are one or two silly things that i said that i just know will be picked up on...they do like to edit these things in the worst way possible to make "entertaining" TV. I just hope no one gets offended...


Coupled with these nerves is the dread that i'm going to look like a heifer on telly, with a weird squeaky voice that sounds nothing like me. It's gonna be cringe-a-go-go...

I think i might skip the country. I really don't want to come into work the next day!


1 comment:

  1. Didn't answer the question though, did ya sweets? :P
    Date/time please, Adam Boston has promised to tape it for me ;)


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