The next day i was first up, greeted by bright blue sky and sunshine. It was about 7.30 in the morning and most of the camp site was still asleep. I filled the kettle up and made myself a brew. I hadn't slept very well what with my cold and other things, and i was actually awake at first light. When i peeked out the tent i was disappointed as it seemed grey and cloudy. But the sun burnt it off and a couple of hours later there i was drinking tea in the sunshine. I went and sat on the stone wall admiring the sea views and stillness of the countryside. The sun began to warm my tired body and the tea helped me wake up.
Soon after that the campsite began to stir and Jonathan was next up. Drinking tea soon caught on and as other members of our group got up, breakfast was needed. Unfortunately, our gas canister ran out so we only had a little one to use. It took what seemed like hours to cook some sausages, we abandoned the bacon as we really would have been there all day!
The plan was to hire boards for Elliot and Vince then go down to Holywell beach. We'd then go back to Watergate Bay in the afternoon. Our early start meant we didn't have to queue for the carpark and we picked a great spot on the beach. It was windy, which meant it got a little chilly at times, which may be one of the reasons why we all got a bit sunburnt!
We played rounders (i was suitably girly in my hitting and throwing capabilities) and ate pasties, surfed and sunbathed. Elliot got his 3 foot kite out (that's kite!) and went down the beach to fly it, using all of his upper body strength to contend against the strong sea wind. He then gave Joe a lesson and after a couple of crash landings, tangling the strings and almost taking out a few passers by, he managed to, erm , get it up... He was dragged 30 feet across the beach at one point however!
After a little snooze, we packed up and drove back to the camp site to drop off the cars and walk down to Watergate Bay. I didn't go in the water this time, preferring to grab an ice cream and play frisbee instead. It was a good job i stayed behind because as the tide rushed in it was all hands on deck to rescue our belongings which were rapidly being swept out to sea! We decided it was time to get to higher ground, which meant the beach front cafe where we drank tea and ate scones. We then made our way back to camp for showers and beer. Not showers in beer.
After eating so much barbequed food we all decided we wanted a proper meal so as the sun began to set we decided to head down to the bar we'd been to the night before and check out the menu. Playing pool and drinking games until the early hours, we didn't want the night to end. A proper session around the camp fire was needed. However, we were on a family campsite which meant excessive noise was not going ot be tolerated. Or camp fires for that matter. So, gathering some beers, a ground sheet and blanket, plus one of our many disposable barbeques we found ourselves plonked in the middle of a grassy field. As the barbeque went up in flames, Vince went in search of more burning material. He came back with something resembling a fence post. It did the trick and before we knew it we were being warmed by a rousing fire.
I lay back, huddled in Elliot's blanket and gazed at the starry sky. I miss the stars. You don't get to see them in London what with all the light pollution. It was a moonless night which meant they were all the more bright and sparkly. You might be thinking what a romantic setting. It would have been if it hadn't been for the boys talking about cock and sexually transmitted diseases. Lovely. Still, it was a beautiful night, and i haven't laughed so much in a while.
I slept soundly that night and really didn't want to come home. Part of me thought i should stay, find myself a hostel and maybe find a bar job. I still might do that. I love being by the sea and Cornwall has always held a place in my heart as i spent much of my childhood on Perranporth beach and sleeping in caravans.
I guess anything is possible right now, it just doesn't quite seem like it...
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