As always, spoke to soon! Not that I'm unhappy just a bit confused and slightly disappointed. I think I've been rejected but have no idea why! Rejection isn't easy when you've been dumped fairly recently. Oh well, enough of that. The dating game's not always straight forward. There's plenty more fish blah blah blah.
On a happier note, I experienced life as a blonde this weekend. And yes, blondes do have more fun (at least they do at house parties after a bottle of vodka...).
I went to a mates "bling vs. Chav" house party on Saturday night and had loads of fun picking out a costume. It's unfortunate I returned home at 7am on Sunday without most of it.
My costume consisted of some great fake silver heart shaped earrings with "love" written in the middle of them, a blonde wig with sunglasses nestled in it, hot pants, various silver/diamante necklaces, silly silver shoes, pink nails and wild make up. What a stunner! I'm not quite sure what I was thinking, wearing hot pants, but after a bottle of wine it seemed like a great idea!
There was dancing, drinking games, posing and someone being sick in the garden. Wouldn't be a good party without that!
So, the question is now...should I go blonde for real?!
Answers on a postcard please! (or comment on the bottom of this, which ever's easiest!)
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