Wednesday, 7 April 2010

the age old question

What is love? Is it Commitment, ardour, liking, fondness, affection, friendship?
Is it companionship? Is it spending time with someone because you want too or because there is no one else? Does it mean feeling less alone? Or are we all alone? Does love mean that there is no one else that makes you feel so good? Or is it more than that? Is it devotion, passion, attachment? Is there a true love? How do we know when we have found the one and only? Is there a one and only? How do we know that there isn’t some one more perfect, more passionate, more romantic and more caring in the next city, or country or maybe just round the corner from where we work? Do we ever know for certain if we are in love?

What is the difference between being in love with someone and just loving someone? Is loving someone harder when all the butterflies and silly giddiness have dissipated? When reality kicks in hard, do we stop being in love with someone and start to just love? Is being in love really being in lust?

How long is being in love meant to last? 3 months, 3 weeks, 3 days? If it lasts longer does that mean that you’ll be happier when you just love your partner? Is being in love something that society expects and everyone has to aspire to it? Is it essential, like air is to breathe, that we fall in love? Is it a human need that no other mammal or being experiences? In that case is it just some weird chemical in the brain that separates us from animals, which ultimately doesn’t mean anything?

Can we die from a broken heart?

All change please

Thinking of starting a new blog and posting some of my old stuff from my creative writing days...or maybe i should just dump it on here?....

Ok if my next few blogs look a little odd (mainly because they don't look like boring diary entries) then don't panic. I'm just trying something new. Or old, even.
