Where oh where to start...?!
Well i guess the "love" life is always a good place. Probably the most complicated yet exciting part of my life! Yet distinctly lacking in "love". But perhaps that's a good thing for now. I can concentrate on having fun instead...and ooh yes i've been trying to do that!
I was dating a guy a few weeks back who seemed pretty interested in me. I, of course, was quite surprised by this and instantly began to worry about it. "It" being the future. It's a girl thing i think, we find it very difficult just to live for the now and not worry about what might or might not happen later. But really, it turns out i had good reason to worry, as this lovely, sexy, funny guy is too old for me and has baggage in the form of two kids. One of which is closer to my age than I am to his Dad! Ouch. (Perhaps i should ask HIM out...joking!) So there i was worrying about it all, even though we've only been on a few dates and there's totally no pressure from him, wondering what i was going to say to him on our next date if he asked to come back to mine (which was more than likely as on the previous date he asked and i pretended to be coy and said he had to wait...first time for everything!)
So guess what happened...he stood ME up!! The cheek! All that worrying for nothing! I'd be lying if i said i wasn't just a teensy bit disappointed though. He seemed so keen. Anyway, by stood up i mean we were meant to be going out on the Tuesday, he called me on the Friday before to make sure we were still on. I asked him what we were doing and the best place for us to meet, and he said he'd let me know before hand. He didn't. I didn't chase as i didn't want to give him the wrong idea, what with all my worrying. But when it got to 8pm on Tuesday night (and after a couple of glasses of wine in the local with housemate to cheer me up) i texted him. And got a big fat nothing response. Bastard.
I didn't hear from him a whole week and a half later, when (get this) he made a comment on Facebook about something i'd written. No apology. So i asked " what happened to Tuesday?". I got a response in the end, and felt a bit bad. But even so, it doesn't take 10 seconds to write a text saying " can't meet you tonight, something's come up, will explain". The fact is, he still hasn't apologised and the only way he seems able to contact me is through facebook. I thought older men were supposed to be mature (although i've been out with enough to know that's a myth)?
So anyway...that's all over. Which is a good thing as it never would have worked. In the mean time i've rekindled a crush (although it is weakening again)but have no way of using it to my advantage as he doesn't live in London and doesn't seem that interested. Damn it. He's so not my type in every way as well, that he might just be a winner! Hmmm.
Oh and i pulled on Saturday night...but that was a one time only kinda thang...i don't expect to hear from him again! Ooooh the shame. Less said about that, the better me thinks!
So what's on the horizon now, i hear you ask? Ha! Well let's just say i've got a jammed packed couple of weeks. I go to The Big Chill on Thursday so who knows, Mr Right might be there. The question is, would i actually prefer Mr Right Now? I'm still mooning over the ex a little bit. I hate to admit it and it's dangerous when i do because i then go out and do silly things to try and convince myself that i'm over it. One day i will be.